General Terms & Conditions
Homewood Pet Boarding treats all pets with the utmost care and respect, and are committed to their health, welfare and well-being. All care and attention is undertaken during boarding or in transit, but responsibility for pets can only be accepted at the owner’s own risk.
All pets must be on leads or in cages during the transition from the car park to the Kennel & Cattery.
Dogs are required to wear a collar during their stay. If you do not have a suitable collar one will be provided for you and the cost will be added to your bill. Any bedding, coats etc must be clearly named.
All dogs must be registered with their local council. Boarding your pet at Homewood means you agree that your dog is currently registered in accordance with the law.
We have a communal cat play area. We do recommend having your cat microchipped, so in the unlikely event you believe we have mixed up your pet with another animal, the identity of any pet can be confirmed without any doubt.
For all boarding bookings we must be provided with an emergency contact person who is available to collect and care for your pet for the remainder of the stay in case of an emergency.
All information concerning special needs or behaviour of your pet and special diets, allergies or medications that may pose a risk to your pet, other animals or staff, must be disclosed prior to each stay.
If your pet causes injury to another animal, person or property you may be responsible for all related expenses.
You MUST tell us about any destructive or escape behaviours your dog may have. For example, destruction of beds, likely to eat toys/blankets, swallowing stones, jumping or scaling fences, digging. These behaviours place your pet at an increased risk of coming to harm, especially if staff are not informed.
If you do not tell us about your dog’s destructive behaviour, and your dog destroys our kennels, fences, beds or other items or equipment, we may charge you for damage caused.
You should advise us if your dog has a panic/extreme fear reaction to any stimuli (eg thunder, vehicles, vacuum cleaners etc) so that we can ensure your pet feels safe.
If we find we cannot safely manage your dog due to these type of behaviours, we may refuse to accept your dog for boarding in the future.
Health and Wellbeing
Homewood Pet Boarding will take all reasonable care, but cannot be held responsible for injury, death, loss or damage of any kind that may occur to either your animals or their accessories (e.g. leads, toys, bedding).
Where a pet shows signs of ill-health or injury the owner will be contacted and veterinary treatment will be sought. If the owner or the emergency contact cannot be contacted, veterinary care may be sought anyway if it is judged to be in the best interests of the animal. In all cases the owner is liable for any veterinary and other costs incurred. Where possible the pet will be taken to its regular vet, otherwise to Homewood Pet Boarding’s on call Vet.
In the event of serious illness or injury if the owner or emergency contact cannot be contacted the veterinary surgeon’s decision will be final. In the event of death, Homewood will contact the pet owner or nominated person as soon as possible.
Pets sometimes play rough and get small injuries that are not always obvious. We apologise if you notice a small injury to your pet on its return home, but will not be held responsible for any vet care or health or other needs your pet may require as a result.
If your pet has an existing medical condition it is crucial that we know about it in advance. Any medication that is required should be provided in its original container with the vet instructions clearly readable.
At quiet times, Homewood may agree to board an unwell or injured animal who has no contagious illness (as diagnosed by a veterinarian), and take this animal for veterinary treatment as required, when their owner has to be away. This type of boarding is subject to availability and subject to individual quotes.
Pets should be treated for internal & external parasites and worms 1 week before boarding, or have a regular schedule of treatment where they will not fall due during their boarding period. If a pet is observed to have external or internal parasites, they will be isolated and treatment will be given at the owner’s expense.
Entire Pets
Homewood do not automatically separate entire dogs from spayed or neutered dogs.
Female pets who are “in season” will not be accepted. Homewood takes no responsibility for checking whether pets come “in season” during their stay. Any accidental mating is entirely at the owner’s risk.
If an entire bitch comes in season during her stay and this is observed, first the owner or emergency contact will be asked to collect her. If this is not possible she will be placed in isolation and this will incur an extra charge of $15 per day.
Entire cats of either sex are not allowed to use the communal cat play area.
An exception can be made with an up-to-date titre test direct from a veterinarian.
All dogs must be fully vaccinated against Canine Parvovirus, Canine Distemper Virus and Canine Adenovirus (hepatitis), and Canine Cough. Canine cough in dogs may involve a combination of multiple viruses and or bacteria and vaccination is not 100%.
All cats must be fully vaccinated against Feline Panleukopaenia, Feline Calicivirus and Feline Herpes virus. Owners should understand that Feline herpes virus can chronically infect cats and flare up under stress therefore producing symptoms regardless of the cat’s vaccination status.
Please note, it is still possible to catch some diseases even if up to date with current vaccinations.
You may provide your own food at no extra charge. Food should be in sturdy containers (resealable petfood bags or ziplock bags, Tupperware etc) of a suitable size. We cannot accept large garbage bins etc. Storage costs may apply for improperly packed food.
Raw food can be provided by Homewood at a surcharge of $6.50 per day, or you can provide your own raw food which must be pre-bagged into individual meals, and be able to be frozen. A storage cost for provided raw meals of $2 per day will apply.
You must advise us whether your pet is fed once or twice a day. If a pet has a health need requiring more frequent feeding, this can usually be accommodated at off-peak seasons, and will incur an extra charge.
In the event that your pet’s needs are deemed incompatible with the facilities/staff at Homewood Pet Boarding, you must agree to have your pets collected within 48 hours of being notified and pay any outstanding accounts at the time of collection. Homewood reserves the right to refuse to board any pet that is clearly unwell, or considered to be a danger to staff.
Charges start on the day of arrival. Each day your pet boards incurs a full day's charge. This includes the day of drop off and the day of pick up.
Out of hours check ins or outs may sometimes be available but will incur a surcharge of $30.
Full payment is due prior to your pet’s departure.
Current charges are posted in reception and on the website. Homewood reserves the right to charge for additional services and requirements, these surcharges are additional to the daily rates and may include but are not limited to: Isolation, Medical needs, Anti-Social with humans, Out of Hours Check In/Out, special diet/raw diet.
Unused days will be charged during peak periods.
All prices quoted will be at the current rate at time of booking. All prices charged will be at the current rate at the time of boarding.
Abandonment Of Pets
A pet is deemed to be abandoned when it has not been collected by 14 days past its due departure date; its payment boarding is at least 14 days in arrears, and its owner and emergency contact cannot be contacted, or have stated that the animal is abandoned/surrendered, in this period.
In the event of boarding fee arrears or non-collection of pets, the proprietors shall have the right to dispose of the animal(s) but this shall not release the owner from liability for any unpaid fees or charges. If the costs are not paid in full as provided above, legal proceedings will be instituted without further notice. In addition to the outstanding account, costs will be added for the cost of debt recovery.
Booking with Homewood signifies agreement with our terms and conditions.